The 11th Annual Live Like Jake 5K run/walk is being held on Saturday, April 26, at Downtown Abacoa in Jupiter. We are excited to announce our "Wear Bright - Stay in Sight" theme, so be sure to come dressed in your "brightest neon". Registration includes a high-performance race shirt, or hat; swag bag; (for the first 600 in person participants) and a custom finisher medal (first 1200 registered).
The Live Like Jake 5K starts at 7:30 a.m. with registration beginning at 6:15 a.m. Awards ceremony to follow will include awards for the largest school, gym and overall biggest teams, alongside traditional finishing time categories. The event includes a kids’ zone with children’s activities and music. One of the most popular events in the racing community, the fun-filled day raises funds to provide scholarships for ISR self-rescue swim lessons and financially assist families who have lost a child or have a child with critical care needs.

Date and Time
Saturday Apr 26, 2025
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
April 26th at 7:30 am
Downtown Abacoa
$40 Registration Fee - Discounts available for under 18, Military and First Responder
Contact Information
Keri Morrison
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