
Women In Business Spring 2022 Mentorship Bootcamp – Mentee Application (DUE 3/3/22)

The Women in Business Council is dedicated to offering education and networking opportunities for Women in Business. WIBC Mentorship Bootcamp WIBC Mentorship Bootcamp, Presented by Lickstein Plastic Surgery is an opportunity for women facing challenges affecting their career or business to grow personally and professionally. The three-month Bootcamp will offer one-on-one mentorship paired with a virtual classroom with a focus on Leadership. Upon the completion of the course, participants will have gained valuable knowledge and skills to advance their careers while building a network of personal and professional contacts.
WHY? To offer growth and support to a female businessperson. We plan to: *
Please confirm which opportunities you are looking to accomplish with the Mentorship Bootcamp by checking each of the boxes that apply to you.
WHO can participate? Woman member (or future member) of the PBNCC must have at least 2 of the below:
Please confirm which option fits you best by checking any and all of the boxes that apply to you.
Tell us your company's name.
Nominee Applicant
Title is used for how we approach you (Miss, Mrs. Ms.). Job Title will be request below. Please submit applications by no later than Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 12 PM. Any and all questions can be directed to Brittany Cartwright at brittany@pbnchamber.com.
What is your exact job title?
How would you identify your business? Health & Human Services? Beauty Salon? Accounting Firm? Non-profit? Tell us!
Current Employment *
Check only one.
Please use the best phone number to reach you at.
Please use the e-mail address you would like to be notified of anything related to the Mentorship Bootcamp program.
Company Address Information
This is your company's website OR your personal website.
This can either be how many staff you employ or how many employees are in your business with you.
Confirm you agree to attend ALL of the scheduled sessions (sessions 1-3 will be held the 2nd Tuesday from 12-1:15 p.m.) *
By participating in this program, we expect you to show up at each of scheduled times. Please be respectful of the time each of the facilitators put into each session as well as your mentor, who is volunteering her time to help you tp succeed.
Please use highest resolution image in only JPEG or PNG format and PLEASE RENAME YOUR FILE 'Your Name, Your Job Title, Your Company."
Please submit your personal bio (200 words or less). This web form will only take about 1100 characters, including spaces. Please use Microsoft Word to measure, then copy/paste.
Please tell us why you feel this a program that is important to you (200 words or less). This web form will only take about 1100 characters, including spaces. Please use Microsoft Word to measure, then copy/paste.
Please submit your strongest asset and why (200 words or less). This web form will only take about 1100 characters, including spaces. Please use Microsoft Word to measure, then copy/paste.
Please submit what you feel needs more improvement (250 words or less). This web form will only take about 1100 characters, including spaces. Please use Microsoft Word to measure, then copy/paste.
Please submit what it is that you wish to achieve the program (250 words or less). This web form will only take about 1100 characters, including spaces. Please use Microsoft Word to measure, then copy/paste.
Please submit three fun facts about yourself (200 words or less). We will use this in the icebreaker sessions for you to get to know each of your fellow mentees.
Please confirm you are OK with your contact information to be shared with other participants. *
Your contact information will be shared with other participants of the program, including mentees and mentors as well as our sponsors of the program.
Please add your LinkedIn Profile link (found in the URL address at the top of your web browser). We would love for each mentee and mentor to connect with these incredible women who have a similar desire to grow and achieve.
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